Featured Fragment Blog

Let’s get ‘fired’ up!

Featured Fragment – Cast Iron Andirons By Kerry S. González In October 2016 Dovetail Cultural Resource Group conducted data recovery excavations at a multi-component site with the primary core representing an early-nineteenth through early-twentieth century domestic...

The Tines They Are A Changing

Featured Fragment – Eighteenth-Century Forks By Kerry S. González Dovetail Cultural Resource Group recently installed two exhibits highlighting archaeological finds on behalf of the Delaware Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration: one at...

History Buttoned Up

Featured Fragment – Huntley House Button By Kerry S. González In 2016 Dovetail conducted an archaeological excavation at the Historic Huntley House in Fairfax County, Virginia. This work was completed at the request of the Fairfax County Park Authority as part of...

A Different Kind of Shot Glass

Featured Fragment – Glass Syringe Plunger By Joe Blondino In June 2017, Dovetail conducted excavations on the grounds of Tudor Place, a historic Federal-style mansion in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The excavations focused on an area immediately...

A is for Artifact

Featured Fragment – Marriott Alphabet Cup By Kerry S. González and Dr. Kerri S. Barile For this month’s blog we are reaching way back into the archives to one of Dovetail’s first large-scale projects. In early 2006, the City of Fredericksburg and the Inns of...

The Size Does Matter!

Featured Fragment – Clipped Coins in Colonial America By Kerry S. González and Mara Katkins  For this month’s blog post, we have decided to join forces with Mara Katkins with George Washington’s Ferry Farm to showcase some of the clipped coins found in the...

Musical Musings

Featured Fragment – Instrument Fragments of Houston-LeCompt By Kerry S. González In the summer of 2012 Dovetail Cultural Resource Group conducted a large-scale excavation at the Houston-LeCompt site in Middletown, Delaware sponsored by the Delaware Department of...

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Featured Fragment – A Lead Cloth Seal from John Lee Pratt Park By Dr. D. Brad Hatch In August 2016, Dovetail conducted archaeological excavations at John Lee Pratt Park on behalf of Stafford County. During these investigations, archaeologists uncovered and excavated a...